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WELCOME TO BAS,where lifelong learning is fun, friendly, fulfilling! > Dance, Fitness & Yoga > Exercise

Stretch and Restore    NEW!

This class is designed to provide a whole-body restorative experience, particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing minor aches and pains in key mobilizing and stabilizing areas of the body. The warm-up will incorporate basic stabilization movements centered on corrective exercises. Following the warm-up, the class will consist of gentle static stretching and flexibility and mobility exercises to promote overall well-being.

If you register for Cardio Sculpt and Stretch and Restore Combo, you will receive a discount of 10%.  Click here to register for the combo.

  • Stretch and Restore NEW!

  • Dates: 10/17/2024 - 12/19/2024
    No class 11/28
    Day of the Week: Th
    Number of Sessions: 9
    Time: 7:35 PM - 8:20 PM
    Fee: $138.00
    Instructor: Kaden Dolan
    Building: The Bronxville School
    Address: Midland Ave. Parking Lot and Entrance Bronxville, NY 10708

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    PLEASE NOTE: Students should bring a yoga mat to each class.


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