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WELCOME TO BAS,where lifelong learning is fun, friendly, fulfilling! > Food & Drink

Sourdough Basics: A Beginner's Bootcamp With Bonus Virtual Class   

Join us for this in-person class if you want to better understand the science of sourdough, start or save a starter, or manage some baking mishaps. Sourdough bread baking is as simple as it is complicated. Through science and theory, live demonstration, experiential learning, and collective troubleshooting, you will make sense of sourdough. You will leave the class with a "starter" and the knowledge and inspiration for how to care for it. You will learn Chef Laura’s tested foolproof recipe for baking the perfect sourdough boule. You will learn no-waste methods for developing and nurturing your sourdough starter so that it nurtures you for years to come.

Sourdough Basics Bootcamp is a very condensed live and in-person version of the online “Sourdough Bread Baking for Beginners” class. This is primarily a demonstration style and discussion-based class with some hands-on application and some tasting.

As a bonus, we will include access to a self-paced online Sourdough Bread Baking for Beginners Course to get you from starter to your first loaf of bread in a few days (a value of $129). You will also be equipped to take Intermediate Sourdough Baking (Zoom).

Take a look at some pictures from Laura Scheck's past classes here.


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