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WELCOME TO BAS,where lifelong learning is fun, friendly, fulfilling! > Business & Money Matters > Business & Money Matters

Investing Basics for All: A Two-Week Workshop    NEW!

How do you create wealth to use now and in the future? Whether you are just starting out, getting ready to send children to college, planning for retirement, or just want to understand all investing options, this class is for you. We will cover the basics of stocks, bonds, ETFs (exchange-traded funds), and mutual funds and the principles of investing successfully. In this brief overview, we will compare and contrast the risks and rewards of each method of investing, what to take into account when deciding which is best for you, how to get started in investing, and how to best diversify your portfolio to manage risk. Over the course of the two weeks, we will discuss current market conditions and have time for questions and discussion. This course is for educational purposes only and is not meant as individual financial advice.
  • Investing Basics for All: A Two-Week Workshop NEW!

  • Dates: 9/23/2024 - 9/30/2024

    Day of the Week: M
    Number of Sessions: 2
    Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    Fee: $60.00
    Instructor: Rajeev Vaidya
    Building: The Bronxville School
    Address: Midland Ave. Parking Lot and Entrance Bronxville, NY 10708

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