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WELCOME TO BAS,where lifelong learning is fun, friendly, fulfilling! > Dance, Fitness & Yoga > Exercise

FitWalk to Wellness   

This walking-based wellness program is designed to instill well-being and strength through nature and fitness. As the name implies, FitWalk's foundation is walking, briskly at times and purposeful. You will use light to medium hand-held weights and focus on functional and strength training intervals to build muscle, better bones, and balance.  Each class is different, but all involve hitting all the major muscle groups in a single session.  FitWalk classes naturally encourage mindfulness, camaraderie, and positive imaging to support mental and emotional health.

This class meets outdoors and will be canceled in the event of rain (sometimes at the last minute). Make-up dates will be added on as necessary, but we are unable to offer refunds or credit if you are not able to attend a scheduled make-up. Please take this into consideration before registering.


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