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WELCOME TO BAS,where lifelong learning is fun, friendly, fulfilling! > Dance, Fitness & Yoga > Dance

Salsa and Bachata: Beginner   

The hottest social dance, Salsa "on 2" NY Style. This course focuses on timing, footwork, partnering, and doing those turns the "right" way in a fun, supportive environment. Bachata is a rhythmic Latin dance from the Dominican Republic that is very popular around the world and has evolved into an exciting interactive and sensual dance that has been influenced by salsa, tango, and other traditional ballroom dances.

  • Salsa and Bachata: Beginner

  • Dates: 1/9/2025 - 3/20/2025
    No class 2/20
    Day of the Week: Th
    Number of Sessions: 10
    Time: 7:35 PM - 8:35 PM
    Fee: $205.00
    Instructor: Evangelina Rivera
    Building: The Bronxville School
    Address: Midland Ave. Parking Lot and Entrance Bronxville, NY 10708

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    The hottest social dance, Salsa "on 2" NY Style. This course focuses on timing, footwork, partnering, and doing those turns the "right" way in a fun, supportive environment. Bachata is a rhythmic Latin dance from the Dominican Republic that is very popular around the world and has evolved into an exciting interactive and sensual dance that has been influenced by salsa, tango, and other traditional ballroom dances.


    • No partner required.
    • Wear loose clothing and dance sneakers or comfortable shoes with smooth soles.

  • Salsa and Bachata: Beginner

  • Dates: 10/17/2024 - 12/19/2024
    No class 11/28
    Days of the Week: Th
    Number of Sessions: 9
    Time: 7:35 PM - 8:35 PM
    Fee: $185.00
    Instructor: Evangelina Rivera
    Building: The Bronxville School
    Address: Midland Ave. Parking Lot and Entrance Bronxville, NY 10708
    REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session; please contact the office if you would like to register.


    • No partner required.
    • Wear loose clothing and dance sneakers or comfortable shoes with smooth soles.

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