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WELCOME! Lifelong Learning Starts Here! > Literary & Performing Arts

I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar    NEW!

From Juliet (& Juliet) to Nora (A Doll's House) to the SIX wives of Henry Vlll, and back again, a look at the current Broadway season that celebrates the power of women on stage and off. More than any season in recent memory, this year's Broadway lineup of new musicals, plays, and classic revivals is all about recognizing the women trailblazers who not only make history but re-write it, too. In what promises to be a lively conversation, we'll talk about the plays, listen to the songs, and, for those who would like, read aloud sections of scripts from works on stage right now, and scheduled to open in the months ahead. No need to have seen the plays to participate. We'll also talk about the movement behind the scenes that is leading to this explosion of women on stage "in numbers too big to ignore." All theater lovers are welcome!

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