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WELCOME TO BAS,where lifelong learning is fun, friendly, fulfilling! > Food & Drink

Seasonal Tart Trio   

Tarts, the French version of American pie. In this part demonstration, part hands-on class, we’ll make three seasonal tarts, using pate sucree, the buttery rich tart dough. The rich caramelized walnut tart is based on the Swiss Engadiner Tart. We’ll make and roll the pate sucree for our tart shells followed by the rich caramelized walnut filling and almond cream. Finally, we’ll fill the tart shells, top them with almond cream and bake until golden brown. Our second tart, Pear Tarte Bourdaloue, is from France and is usually made in winter. The tart shells are filled with almond cream and topped with thinly sliced pears. We’ll garnish it with cranberries and almonds making it the perfect Thanksgiving dessert. Finally, for a more classic Thanksgiving dessert, we will make a Sweet and Spicy Pumpkin Custard Tart. Once the baked tart is cool, we will decorate it with whipped cream and candied pumpkin seeds.

This class is mostly demonstration. Each person will take home three small tarts (about 2.5 in each).


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