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WELCOME TO BAS,where lifelong learning is fun, friendly, fulfilling! > Food & Drink > Savory Dishes

Handmade Asian Dumplings   

Tradition has it that what we eat during the Lunar New Year can determine our good fortune for the whole year to come. So, bring good luck and prosperity by filling and gobbling up some dumplings. Participants will learn how to mix up both vegetarian and meat fillings, fill wrappers, and fold dumplings into at least four different shapes. Take away techniques that you can apply to all types of wrapped and rolled foods and generate ideas for creative dumplings you can make with ingredients you have on hand. You'll work with fresh scratch-made dough and store-bought wrappers. You will sample what you make in class and take some home. Recipes will be Chicken and Chive Potstickers and Shiitake Carrot Wontons.

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