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WELCOME TO BAS,where lifelong learning is fun, friendly, fulfilling! > The Arts & History

1968: The Year That Shook Our History, Part 1   

Unprecedented military defeat in Vietnam, a toppled president, charismatic leaders assassinated, the worst riots in U.S. history – and that was only the first half of 1968. In this class, revisit the start of the most tumultuous year in recent times, which alternated passionate hopes and searing tragedies on almost a daily basis. Also, relive worldwide upheavals, from the May student-worker protests that drove the French Republic to the brink of collapse to the Prague Spring that brought hope for reforming the Communist Bloc. This lecture will be supplemented by audio and video, including memorable speeches by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy, as well as little-known accounts of behind-the-scenes decisions that led to some of the most shocking events of our time. Up for discussion will be the premise that a shift in one leader's judgment, a few votes, or a single bullet, might have changed the course of history.

If you register for 1968: The Year That Shook Our History, Part 1 and Part 2 (Combo), you will receive a discounted rate.  Click here to register for the combo.


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