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WELCOME TO BAS,where lifelong learning is fun, friendly, fulfilling! > Computers & Technology > Computers & Technology

Getting the Most Out of Your Mac   

We'll start with a review of the fundamentals of macOS, Apple’s operating system: Finder, the Dock, Menus, Spotlight, Safari, and the core apps. You'll learn how to use these features more effectively to enhance your MacBook experience. Then we'll go beyond the basics to improve your MacBook skills: using Finder, Safari, and Spotlight to search more effectively; using Mail, Address Book, and Calendar apps; troubleshooting common problems; synchronizing pictures between iPhone and MacBook; using the Apple iCloud Photo Library; and connecting a portable hard drive to your Mac to use the Time Machine app to back up and recover lost or deleted files and photos. Whether you are new to Macs or looking to maximize their potential, this class is for you.

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